Wednesday, April 23, 2008

All About the Boxer Breed

I'd never had a Boxer before Raider. In fact, I don't think I had even considered one. But one day, there we were at the pet store and there she was...and the rest is history. Anyway, enough of that. Here is a little bit about the Boxer breed in general. BTW - This is Raider to a T!

Boxers are generally low-maintenance but require almost constant attention, lots of exercise, human interaction, regular obedience training and lots of love. Don't leave them to their own devices for too long or they get lonely, bored and into trouble.

Boxers are not just smart, they are big and strong too and that means they need mental stimulation as well as physical exercise. This will keep them more even-tempered and stately without loosing their impish spirit or fearless courage.

Their high prey drive needs proper (i.e. doggie related not shoe or cat related) outlets or they will become destructive house pets even fighting among themselves, especially if the other family Boxers are of the same sex. Female Boxers seem more aggressive than the male.

Keeping a Boxer busy is the best way to keep them out of trouble! Wear them out with long walks and lots of play time. Give them lots of exercise, play with them, especially the inquisitive puppies or they will destroy your home out of boredom, pent up energy and frustration.

For all your love and caring, be prepared for wet slobbery drool and kisses and love in return. You should see Raider drooling when I'm heading to the ice bucket!

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